Category: music

  • Send music from a web brower to an Airplay speaker

    Send music from a web brower to an Airplay speaker

    Airfoil for mac helps you to stream any music from ay app in Airplay mode
    Airfoil for mac helps you to stream any music from ay app in Airplay mode

    You’re fan of Grooveshark or Deezer and you just bought a very nice Airplay speaker, thinking you could easily stream your music on it. If you’re naive like me you must have been disappointed when you realized only iTunes could almost do that.

    The solution cost 25 dollars and works very well, it’s called Airfoil. What you need is just install it and select the source of your audio (Chrome, safari, Firefox or any other app you’re playing playing from) and Airfoil does the rest.

    Hope this will help.

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