Widgets issues with WordPress 3.5

I’ve just spent 2 hours trying to figure out why I couldn’t move my widgets in the admin panel (presentation / widgets) since the upgrade of wordpress 3.5. Apparently the new version of jquery (1.8.3) causes problems with some jquery related plugins.

As usual it’s always advised to desactive all your plugin and to reactivate them one by one, till the moment you see which one was involved in the issue. In my case it was the plugin called “recent post enhanced”. So for those who have it installed and facing the same issues (impossible to drag and drop widgets), just desactive it.

Hope it will help someone around.

Happy blogging.


3 responses to “Widgets issues with WordPress 3.5”

  1. zee Avatar

    Useful information! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Renata Rimkute Avatar
    Renata Rimkute

    Hey Ghyslainarmand,
    Thanks for the info, I have not touched my wordpress web site in 5 months.
    Now that I’m back again hoping to article in it, it will not deliver the results any longer.

  3. Garden Bay Garden Supplies Avatar

    Just wondering what free tools are out there for building backlinks.

    I’ve found http://www.socialmonkee.com/index.php?af=104654 which is great a building a few do-follow links evert day for free. Are the any more services like this?

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